
Showing posts from May, 2020

Media and Information Literacy Campaign

Media with literacy is useful while as media without literacy is harmful. Nowadays, there is only a thin line between what is fact and what is fake. People should be careful about what social media feeds you because not everything you see on the internet is true. Use your platform wisely and have a voice that speaks for the truth only. Always evaluate before you create.

Emerging Trends in Technology

This activity has made me realize how powerful and important media is. It has made me realize how technology makes people’s lives easier. It has helped in various fields such as medical, educational, entertainment and a lot more. It has made things that seemed impossible, possible. As technology continues to develop over the years, people continue to become dependent to it and soon enough, people no longer have to move because everything will be technology-based. 

Evolution of Media

Just like any other thing in the world, media has changed, improved and coped over the years.    This infographic gives a glimpse of how media has evolved. Media has been, is and will always be a part of our lives. It has played a remarkable role of delivering news and information throughout the years and it can be considered a powerful tool to embark knowledge just like how it was used before during the various eras. With the advancement of technology, media will continue to change and improve in order to fulfil its duty to the society.